From: UPI

WASHINGTON, July 10 (UPI) — Howard Shelanski was sworn in Wednesday as administrator of the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

Shelanski is in charge of reviewing most of the new rules from federal governmental agencies before they are proposed or issued.

Shelanski’s first task will be dealing with 140 rules and proposals now being reviewed by the office, including ones held up there for years, The Hill reported.

Shelanski said he would try to reduce the delays on new regulations and to make the regulation-making process more transparent, adding that public involvement and oversight is “critically important,” the Washington publication said.

He said he would follow President Barack Obama’s lead to review current rules and clean out those that no longer fit, but avoided addressing more controversial subjects such as the extent of the office’s jurisdiction and the role of environmental regulation.

Shelanski’s appointment was confirmed via voice vote in the full Senate.