From: Neomi Rao, Administrator Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs

This data call requests information for the compilation ofthe Spring 2019 Update of the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (“Agenda”). The Agenda provides important public notice and transparency about proposed regulatory and deregulatory actions within the Executive Branch. This process highlights agency priorities, promotes planning and coordination, and encourages public participation in the regulatory process.

Submissions to the Spring Update of the Agenda are due by March 6, 2019. Agencies should be prepared to brief the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) on their regulatory reform priorities.

Priorities for the Spring 2019 Update to the Unified Agenda

Publication of the Agenda represents a key component of a longstanding regulatory planning mechanism under Executive Order 12866. Agency submissions should highlight and reflect Administration priorities, including:

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