From: Washington Post/In the Loop

By Al Kamen

Obama domestic policy chief Cecilia Munoz, formerly head of White House intergovernmental affairs, is moving from her fine southeast corner office on the second floor of the West Wing all the way over to the northeast corner office.

Unclear who gets her old job, but the early soundings are that it will likely be someone already in the administration, since that, all things considered, would make for a smoother transition.

We’re hearing there were some other excellent names the White House looked at for the domestic policy job, including Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein, head of Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs and Broadcasting Board of Governors chairman Walter Isaacson, head of the Aspen Institute and author of the mega, mega, bestselling biography of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. (Before that, he wrote widely acclaimed bios of Einstein and Benjamin Franklin.)

How mega is the Jobs book? Numbers are hard to come by but sales in this country alone are estimated at more than 1.36 million, according to Nielsen BookScan. It’s been translated into dozens of languages, including Mongolian. Even at a few bucks a book for the author, that’s some serious money. Then there are the e-books and the paperback and the movie and the television series.