Archives – August, 2012

CRE Comments for FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel Public Meeting on the Pollinator Risk Assessment Framework

Dear OPP Staff and SAP Members:


EPA has an excellent record in complying with the Data Quality Act (DQA), thus the first part of this document is aimed at educating the SAP as to DQA’s requirements.


Because the Risk Assessment Framework under discussion is intended to lay the foundation for, or be the first step in, what is almost certain to be a highly influential risk assessment that will eventually be peer reviewed by the SAP, CRE believes that the framework should incorporate, affirm, and apply the requirements of the DQA and its guidelines that apply to scientific assessments which will be disseminated by the Agency and that might eventually be used in regulatory proceedings.  Furthermore, since EPA declared that no imminent hazard exists, CRE will not be commenting on this matter.

1 Comment August 24, 2012

Honeybee virus: Varroa mite spreads lethal disease

Editor’ s  Note: We call your particular attention to this statements in the article:

“A parasitic mite has helped a virus wipe out billions of honeybees throughout the globe.”

” In an infected bee there can be more viral particles than there are people on the planet,” Dr Martin explained”.


By Victoria Gill BBC Nature


The BBC’s Victoria Gill :”The new study has pinned down exactly which virus is the honeybee killer”


A parasitic mite has helped a virus wipe out billions of honeybees throughout the globe, say scientists.

Leave a Comment August 16, 2012

Highly Contagious Honey Bee Virus Transmitted by Mites: Thought to Contribute to Probable Death of Millions of Honey Bee Colonies

Editor’s Note:  University of Sheffield  study attached.

 Science Daily

 Researchers at the University of Sheffield have discovered a parasitic mite has caused the deformed wing virus to proliferate in honey bee colonies


This association is now thought to contribute to the world-wide spread and probable death of millions of honey bee colonies. The current monetary value of honey bees as commercial pollinators in the United States alone is estimated at about $15-$20 billion annually.


Leave a Comment August 16, 2012


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