Archives – September, 2012

Observations: SAP Meeting September 12

The  SAP most certainly was presented with a number of challenges.


First  we remind our readers that these very talented individuals donate their time and expertise over a long period of time. In doing so, one would not expect that they would be subject to the rudeness displayed by the presenter from the Center for Food Safety.


We subsequently learned that the presenter was an attorney not a scientist so as they often say in the great city of New Orleans, you can put lipstick  on a pig but it is still a pig.

Leave a Comment September 12, 2012

Zombie flies threaten Northwest honeybees


Zombie flies are thought to be affecting honeybee populations. The insects are commonly called zombie flies because they trigger a disoriented, zombie-like behavior in their hosts.

Zombie flies are thought to be affecting honeybee populations. The insects are commonly called zombie flies because they trigger a disoriented, zombie-like behavior in their hosts.  /  Special to the Statesman Journal


Honeybees were already facing colony collapse in the Northwest when a Northwest researcher discovered they were also falling victim to a new horror: the zombie fly.


Ramesh Sagili, a honeybee specialist at Oregon State University, discovered the region’s first honeybee to be infected by the zombie fly, which already has been found to afflict honeybees in California and South Dakota.

Leave a Comment September 12, 2012

This is Why an SAP Is Needed: Separating Fact From Fiction

 Editor’s  Note: The following article is a  blind acceptance of the Lu Study. The SAP, with its recognized expertise in bee health decline, is in a position to educate the public of studies with little or no scientific foundation. 

 In particular the Lu study purported to determine whether feeding colonies of bees with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)—often done by beekeepers in order to supplement the bees’ diet in cold temperatures—that was assumed to have imidacloprid residues would lead to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) in the colonies. 

Leave a Comment September 11, 2012

Wipeout threat for NZ bees

From: New Zealand Herald


By Alanah Eriksen

Beekeeper fears devastating colony collapse disorder may have arrived.


An Auckland beekeeper who has set up 300 hives around the region says his insects have started dying at an alarming rate.


He believes a phenomenon known as colony collapse disorder (CCD), which has wiped out bees and reduced food crops around the world, may have reached New Zealand.


Bees are already increasingly under threat from the varroa mite as it becomes more resistant to pesticides.


Leave a Comment September 10, 2012

Neonicotinoids: : Trying to make the Science Work

Neonicotinoids: : Trying to make the Science Work

 Mr. Randy Oliver of describes the scientific process dealing with the review of neonicotinoids. His review of  recent studies (pg 809) is of particular interest because it supports, in part,  CRE views on Nosema..

 Mr. Olivers article is attached.

– American Bee Journal – Aug 2012 (1)

Leave a Comment September 7, 2012

Honey Bee Pollination Markets and the Internalization of Reciprocal Benefits

Editor’s Note:  The study “Honey Bee Pollination Markets and the Internalization of Reciprocal Benefits” is attached here. The Abstract is reprinted below.


The world’s most extensive markets for pollination services are those for honey bee pollination in the United States.These markets play important roles in coordinating the behavior of migratory beekeepers, who both produce honey and provide substitutes for ecosystem pollination services. We analyze the economic forces that drive migratory beekeeping and theoretically and empirically analyze the determinants of pollination fees in a larger and richer data set than has been studied before. Our empirical results expand our understanding of pollination markets and market-supporting institutions that internalize external effects.

Leave a Comment September 7, 2012

East and West Differences, plus Virus and Disease Differences…CCD is not as simple as we hoped

Editor’s Note:  The journal article, “Pathogen Webs in Collapsing Honey Bee Colonies” is attached here. The study’s conclusions are consistent with CRE’s comments to the FIFRA Science Advsiory Panel which are available here.


From: Catch The Buzz


Kim Kaplan, Chief, Special Projects Information Staff


Agricultural Research Service U.S.D.A


Honey bees that succumb to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) carry a colony-specific group of three or four pathogens that tend to be unique to different geographic regions, according to a new study by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists.


Leave a Comment September 7, 2012

Bee Economy: Honey, Mites and Diesel Drive Pollination Fees

From: North Carolina State University/The Abstract


by  Matt Shipman


Many crops rely on pollination by honey bees and, as a result, there’s a market for the services of professional beekeepers and their bees. And the cost of those services has been on the rise. What’s driven the increase in pollination fees over the past 20 years? A new study from North Carolina State University shows that honey prices, invasive mites and the cost of diesel fuel are key factors.


Leave a Comment September 7, 2012

Mite fight gets tight

From: Stock & Land


HONEYBEE and pollination-reliant agricultural industries, researchers and government agencies recently came together at a workshop in Melbourne to fine-tune how the new National Bee Pest Surveillance Program will be rolled out to all states.


The program already contributes to surveillance through projects such as Bee Force – which has successfully recruited hobby beekeepers to monitor hives around the Ports of Melbourne and Geelong – and a project developing remote surveillance technology to allow bait boxes to be monitored from a central location.


Leave a Comment September 5, 2012

Buzz kill: discoveries about the health of BC’s bees

From: Vancouver Observer


In 2006, California’s bee community noticed a phenomenon described as colony collapse disorder, in which honey bee colonies weaken and die for no apparent reason.


The phenomenon remains a concern as the causes are poorly understood. And while colony collapse has not been a major issue for the health of honeybees in British Columbia, it has increased local awareness and interest in bees’ health.

Bee health research at University of British Columbia


At UBC, Dr. Leonard Foster’s lab has focused its attention on honey bee immunology.


Leave a Comment September 3, 2012

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