Archives – November, 2012

Scientists tracking down genes that help bees defend against mites

Editor’s Note:  The complete text of “Fine-Scale Linkage Mapping Reveals a Small Set of Candidate Genes Influencing Honey Bee Grooming Behavior in Response to Varroa Mites” is attached here.   The complete text of “High-Resolution Linkage Analyses to Identify Genes That Influence Varroa Sensitive Hygiene Behavior in Honey Bees” is attached here.


From: Purdue Agricultural News


WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Purdue University researchers are zeroing in on genes that help honeybees defend against varroa mites, one of the largest factors in bee population declines.


1 Comment November 9, 2012

A honey of a project for school pupil

From: Otago Daily News


A Dunedin school pupil has tasted sweet success in reaching the final of a national competition for his science project on honeybees.


The Realise the Dream event, organised by the Royal Society of New Zealand, rewards secondary school pupils who have undertaken science or engineering projects.


John McGlashan College pupil Hamish McMillan (18) said he was “pretty chuffed” his project on the measurement of a gene, the complementary sex determiner, in 126 bees from feral hives and 114 bees from managed hives, had been selected.


Leave a Comment November 7, 2012

Public-private efforts help bees entering California

From: The Desert Review


By Christine Souza Credit to California Farm Bureau Federation


In anticipation of next year’s almond bloom, more than 1.6 million honeybee colonies have begun entering California via trucks that pass through border protection stations. After hearing from beekeepers about extended delays at some border stations and limited access to water for their honeybees, the apiary and almond sectors have come up with solutions in partnership with the California Department of Food and Agriculture.


Leave a Comment November 5, 2012

Study suggests antibiotics might be another suspect in honey bee die-off

Editor’s Note:  The complete study, “Long-Term Exposure to Antibiotics Has Caused Accumulation of Resistance Determinants in the Gut Microbiota of Honeybees” published by the American Society for Microbiology is attached here.  Federal officials working on the pollinator risk assessment need to consider the importance of this study as part of their work.


From: Yale News


The gut bacteria of honey bees have acquired several genes that confer resistance to tetracycline, a direct result of more than five decades of use of antibiotics by American beekeepers and a potential health hazard for bee colonies, a new study by Yale University researchers show.

Leave a Comment November 1, 2012

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