Archives – January, 2013

Get the buzz on beekeeping

From: The Southwest Times, serving Southwest Virginia




If you’d like to become an apiarist, or beekeeper, now’s a good time to get started.


With many honeybees having been lost to colony collapse disorder over the past few years, the 2012 Virginia General Assembly hoped to rebuild the population by creating a new program, The Beehive Grant Fund, that offers funds for the establishment of new bee colonies.


Leave a Comment January 9, 2013

Keeping sweet

From: The Irish News


NORTHERN Ireland’s beekeepers are doing their bit in the battle against the greatest challenge ever to the existence of the much-loved and hard-working honey bee.


Members of Dromore Beekeepers Association geared up for the war on the potentially lethal Varroa mite by recently attending a talk on the parasite’s control.


Honey bees play a low-key but essential role in all our lives, whether we realise it or not. They pollinate many commercial food crops and are much valued by fruit growers. Their honey is used as a food and a medicine and beeswax is found in most homes in some form.

Leave a Comment January 7, 2013

Mid-winter beekeeping barbecue

From: Farming Life


WHERE would you expect to find a barbecue on 29th December? Australia? No! Tullyhenan Fort Apiary, on a hilltop near Banbridge.


Vanessa Drew, from Ballyroney, is currently conducting an Intermediate Beekeeping class in Dromore High School on behalf of the Ulster Beekeepers’ Association and, among other things, is teaching Varroa control.


Varroa is the parasitic mite which is now endemic in Ireland and is wreaking havoc with honeybee colonies. Colonies which are not properly treated will die.


Leave a Comment January 4, 2013

News From The Farmyard – January 2013



Author: Angela Sargen

Happy new year to everyone and farewell to the old year. In most farmers’ views, one of the most challenging years of late, possibly in living memory.


From the dry start, through the declaration of a drought (we hadn’t had enough rain over the previous few years), then the weather broke and we had a wet end to Spring and into Summer. Then on it was, grab the sun whilst you could and the crops grew and the rain continued to fall, well into harvesting time, putting that further back for most. The quality of the crops were generally poorer than usual and it continued enough to delay planting too.

Leave a Comment January 2, 2013

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