Archives – March, 2013

Disease syndrome identified as key factor in bee deaths

From: North Carolina State University


A new long-term study of honey bee health has found that a little-understood disease study authors are calling “idiopathic brood disease syndrome” (IBDS), which kills off bee larvae, is the largest risk factor for predicting the death of a bee colony.


Leave a Comment March 8, 2013

2013 EPA Pollinator Summit Consensus: Bee Health Decline Is Caused By Multiple Factors

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) hosted the 2013 Pollinator Summit on March 5, 2013.  The Summit provided a forum for stakeholders and government officials to discuss opportunities and methods to improve the health of pollinators, particularly honey bees.


A major theme throughout the summit was that bee health decline can be attributed to numerous factors.  As noted by several panelists (including Jeff Pettis of USDA), of the multi-factors causing bee health decline, the varroa mite poses one of the greatest threats to honey bees.  A major goal of the summit was to examine new techniques to limit honeybee exposure to threats such as disease, pests, dust, and incidental pesticide exposure.

3 Comments March 7, 2013

Environmentalists Try to Squash a Bug Killer

Editor’s Note:  At EPA’s Pollinator Summit held yesterday in Washington, DC– a leading scientist identfied the Varroa mite as the most likely cause of  bee health decline; a position CRE has held  for a considerable time. See this  website tomorrow for a an indepth review of the Pollinator Summit.


Wall Street Journal

In January, the European Commission advised the EU not to use neonicotinoids, a relatively

new class of agricultural insecticides. Now the member countries are considering whether to

ban the chemical. The Commission’s warning came after heavy pressure from

March 6, 2013

Mysterious Honey Bee Disease Key Factor in Colony Death



Catherine Griffin


Domesticated honeybees have been disappearing from hives across the globe, infected by a little-known disease that has killed off entire colonies. Now, a long-term study of honey bee health has identified the disease and has found it to be the largest risk factor for predicting the death of a bee colony.


Leave a Comment March 6, 2013

Setting the Stage for the Pollinator Summit

 Dr. Steven Bradbury made the opening statement in which he stated that:

   —   there are many causes of pollinator decline,

   —   The science on the issue is evolving and if during the course of the scientific review mitigation measures are needed EPA will act accordingly,

   —    The purpose of theSummit is to examine near term solutions while the scientific issues are being resolved on a longer time frame.

 The above statements reinforce CRE’s views that regulatory actions taken by national or local governments are not only premature but they lack any scientific basis

Leave a Comment March 5, 2013

Louisiana beekeepers feel the sting of drought, disease, parasites



SHREVEPORT, La. — Bossier City beekeeper William Hummer makes his living off the honey bee. Each year, he tends to hundreds of honey bee colonies extracting their tasty, golden and sticky product for his business, Hummer and Son.


The company, started with his late father Stanley Hummer as a 4-H project, sells its product across the state — most commonly in a 12-ounce “bear” size or by the pound at local grocery stores.


But recently the number of colonies Hummer maintains has dropped 50 percent — from about 600 to 300.

Leave a Comment March 4, 2013

Dwindling bee population all the buzz

From: Morgan Hill Times


Scott Forstner


Local orchard farmers may be feeling the sting of a decreased honeybee population when it comes time to pollinate their cherry fields in the coming weeks.


“I’m concerned about it,” said Peter Van Dyke, President of Van Dyke Organics in Gilroy, which has just less than 20 acres used for cherries. “Bees are real important for growing cherries.”


Ralph Santos, owner of Ralph’s Cherry Hut in Gilroy, has more of a wait-and-see attitude.


Leave a Comment March 3, 2013

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