Archives – June, 2013

U.S. Bee Deaths From Colony Collapse Disorder May Be Tied To Diet, Study Finds

Editor’s Note: The PNAS study was discussed on the Bee Health IPD here and in CRE’s comments to the Welsh Government on their draft Pollinator Action Plan, available here


The study, “Honey constituents up-regulate detoxification and immunity genes in the western honey bee Apis mellifera” by Wenfu Mao, Mary A. Schuler, and May R. Berenbaum, is available here.  Supplemental supporting data from the study is available here.


From: Reuters


By Richard Valdmanis


Leave a Comment June 5, 2013

Pilot project aimed to help bee survival


New bees brought in from other areas of Canada

By Sarah Simpson, Citizen


Cowichan Beekeepers president Paul Peterson said despite all the efforts to address the issues of massive numbers of bee deaths over the last few years, bees are still under the gun.


“They’re doing a little bit better but there’s been a resurgence North America-wide because everybody wants to save the bees,” he said, noting membership with the Cowichan Beekeepers alone has seen a dramatic increase this year.


Leave a Comment June 3, 2013

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