Archives – July, 2013

Monsanto Vows To Help Save The Bees

From: The Inquisitr


Monsanto recently held a Honey Bee Health Summit to address colony collapse  disorder. The bee population has decreased drastically around the globe in  recent years. The biotech giant acquired Beeologics from an Israeli company in 2011. Monsanto is attempting to convince beekeepers that the GMO  seed and pesticide manufacturer wants to be proactive in the fight to save the  bees.


Even if you do not like honey or keep bees, the health and population  statistics of the little buzzing creatures is still extremely important. Without  bees to pollinate crops, the global food supply and human population would  quickly perish.

Leave a Comment July 10, 2013

Brazilian Regulators Overreact to an Ongoing Study


Editor’s  Note:  CRE Brazil is regulatory watchdog located in San Paulo, Brazil. The focus of its operations is to increase the transparency of Brazilian regulatory activities. The following article is from its website,   (Portuguese)


Leave a Comment July 8, 2013

Bee Pathogen Chip

Editor’s Note:  The video below features Charles Runckel, a graduate student in the DeRisi lab, discussing development and use of a high tech “bee pathogen chip” to find the cause of bee health decline.


From: Howard Hughes Medical Institute


The video is available here.


Leave a Comment July 5, 2013

Facing a ‘pollination crisis,’ beekeepers swarm to aid hives

From: Kansas City Star




More than 150 people made a beeline earlier this year to an Independence workshop for beginning beekeepers.


So many, in fact, that Cathy Misko tapped Craigslist to buy 71 extra chairs.


And driving this heightened interest in the well-being of bees? Misko cited a mystery that has vexed scientists since 2006 — a worsening crisis called colony collapse disorder, or CCD.


“It’s like when the town’s on fire and you ring the bell,” said Misko, president of the Midwestern Beekeepers Association. “Everyone comes to help.”

Leave a Comment July 3, 2013

Honey Bees Prove H.L. Menken Correct

Editor’s Note:  There are countless articles about the importance of honeybees.  Unfortunately, few reporters take the honeybee health seriously enough to get the facts right.  For example, in the story below, the author correctly acknowledges the harm to bees from varrora mites, but then makes the incorrect statement that pesticides as well as mites are “decimating the bee population.” As the USDA explained, bee health decline is the result of “a complex set of stressors and pathogens” and that “researchers are increasingly using multi-factorial approaches to studying causes” of bee health problems.


Leave a Comment July 1, 2013

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