Archives – April, 2014

“These days, perhaps the biggest existential threat to bees is campaigns purporting to save them.”

From:  The Moral Liberal

Perils of commercial beekeeping


Honeybees pollinate crops but endure stress, parasites and disease. Solutions are coming. 

One of America’s earliest food crops – almonds – is also one of the most important for commercial beekeepers. Almonds depend on bees for pollination, but the explosive growth of this bumper crop taxes the very honeybees the industry needs to thrive.


Leave a Comment April 7, 2014

The Center for Food Safety’s Self-Review Is Not A Substitute for Peer Review


CFS’s Academic-Style Neonicotinoid Paper is NOT Data Quality Act Compliant

The Center for Food Safety’s report, “Heavy Costs: Weighing the Value of Neonicotinoid Insecticides in Agriculture” lists two External Reviewers on its Acknowledgements frontispiece along with reference to an anonymous reviewer. With respect to the independence of peer reviewers, OMB’s government-wide, binding Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review[1] states that

 In its narrowest sense, independence in a reviewer means that the reviewer was not involved in producing the draft document to be reviewed. However, for peer review of some documents, a broader view of independence is necessary to assure credibility of the process.

Leave a Comment April 7, 2014

Bayer Cropscience CEO talks about importance of innovation, technology

From: Iowa State Daily

By Julie Paulson

The future will depend on advancing farming technology to feed a growing world.

That was the conclusion of this year’s Hertz lecture, which was given by Jim Blome, the president and CEO of Bayer CropScience.

“It’s all about innovation and technology,” Blome said. “So it’s important for us to recognize emerging trends.”

These innovations and technologies are needed to overcome the challenges of a changing world. One in eight people go hungry every day in spite of there being enough resources to feed them.

Leave a Comment April 4, 2014

Bee decline more complex than blaming pesticides

From: Southwest Farm Press

by in Farm Press Blog

We need to put our best science to work to find out what causes the disappearance of whole colonies of bees and then find ways to prevent that from happening.

One recent morning I had some nice whole wheat frozen waffles for breakfast, slathered with honey. It was quite tasty. Not certain of the nutritional value, but it was pleasing to the palate.

I often eat honey on pancakes, waffles, biscuits and peanut butter sandwiches. I’ve always liked honey. My grandfather was a beekeeper and kept us supplied with the sweet goodness of home-grown honey. I liked to chew on the honey comb, a sight better tasting than chewing gum.

Leave a Comment April 2, 2014

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