Archives – December, 2014

Scientists ‘fixed evidence’ to ban pesticides, note reveals

Editor’s Note: The following article was highlighted by a perspicacious reader.

From: The Times (London) via The Australian

Ben Webster | The Times

RESEARCH blaming pesticides for the decline in honey­bees has been called into question by a leaked note suggesting scientists had decided in advance to seek evidence supporting a ban on the chemicals.

The private note records a discussion in 2010 between four scientists about how to persuade regulators to ban neonicotinoid pesticides.

The EU imposed a temporary ban last year after the European Food Safety Authority identified risks to bees.

Leave a Comment December 4, 2014

More Danger Signals for Farmers at the EPA

From: Roll Call Commentary

By John R. Block

For years now, farmers have been trying to fend off an EPA rule that would treat everything from run-off ditches to farm sloughs as “waters of the U.S.” under the Clean Water Act, hog-tying farmers in miles of red tape and allowing the agency to micromanage almost every action we take on the farm.

Now the EPA is preparing another startling regulatory overreach that could be just as damaging. While they haven’t announced it yet, every indication suggests the agency will soon impose new rules that ban certain uses of some of the most important crop protection products we rely on.

2 Comments December 3, 2014

Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s Economic Assessment of Neonic-Treated Seeds to use Grower Data

Editor’s Note: In its “Update on Neonicotinoid Pesticides and Bee Health” attached here, the Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency states that it is including data from growers and registrants as well as other stakeholders in its own economic assessment of the economic value of neonicotinoid-treated seeds for corn and soybeans. See below. The PMRA Update discussed the strong link between varroa and bee health decline, stated that “no conclusions” can be drawn at this time regarding any long term bee health effects from treated seed and explained the importance of additional research.

From: Health Canada/Pest Management Regulatory Agency

Leave a Comment December 1, 2014

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