Archives – March, 2015

Entrepreneurs create effective method against bee harming pest

From: Investigacion y Desarrolo

A group of entrepreneurs Veracruz (east coast state in Mexico) designed a “smart” system to contain the growth of larvae of the mite Varroa destructor among the bee population, which reduces the production of honey for as much as 50 percent when it invades the hives.

The technology called “Electronic Detection System” involves the application of a formula based on thymol and other substances through a spray device of automated steam which removes Varroa destructor larvae from the hives. This offers an integral solution to beekeepers, and thus to the entire food chain, since the pollination by bees affects more than half of current agricultural products.

Leave a Comment March 9, 2015

Bee expert’s labour of love

From: IOM Today

Dave Kneale

Official recognition from the European Union that the island’s bee population is free of the deadly varroa mite was almost ten years in the making.

But for 79-year-old beekeeper Harry Owens, it’s the culmination of four decades of work as the island’s bee inspector.

Originally taking the post before the 1988 Bee Disease Act banned bee imports, he’s advised the government’s Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture in beekeeping matters for 37 years.

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Leave a Comment March 6, 2015

Behavioral modulation of the coexistence between Apis melifera and Varroa destructor: A defense against colony colapse disorder?

From: | Cornell  Uinversity Library

Joyce de Figueiró Santos, Flávio Codeço Coelho, Pierre Alexandre Bliman

(Submitted on 25 Feb 2015 (v1), last revised 26 Feb 2015 (this version, v2))

Colony Collapse Disorder has become a global problem for beekeepers and for the crops which depend on bee polination. Multiple factors are known to increase the risk of colony colapse, and the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor that parasitizes honey bees is among the main threats to colony health. Although this mite is unlikely to, by itself, cause the collapse of hives, it plays an important role as it is a vector for many viral diseases. Such diseases are among the likely causes for Colony Collapse Disorder.

Leave a Comment March 4, 2015

USDA Agricultural Outlook forum | Track: Protecting Our Food Supply

Editor’s Note: On February 19-20, USDA held their 91st annual Agricultural Outlook Forum. This year’s theme was Smart Agriculture in the 21st Century: A Discussion on Innovation, Biotechnology, and Big Data. The “Protecting Our Food Supply” breakout session featured a panel discussion, “What’s the  Buzz About Bees?” The following is a dsecription of the panel discussion with links to all three presentations.

From: USDA Agricultural Outlook forum


Leave a Comment March 2, 2015

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