Archives – October, 2016

How Israel is saving the honeybees

From: The Jerusalem Post

Leave a Comment October 17, 2016

Bee health in CSIRO research spotlight

From: The Examiner

Piia Wirsu

“The varroa mite has been a major cause of disruptive management of hives from everywhere in the world … When the mite arrived in the U.K. there was a huge loss in beekeeping industry,” De Souza said.


In recent years, the parasite has made its way to New Zealand, making Australian beekeepers nervous it could soon hit our hives. Since the mite arrived in New Zealand, wild honey bee populations have plummeted to 10 per cent of their original size.

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Leave a Comment October 16, 2016

Hearing Set for EPA Motion for Summary Judgment in Neonicotinoid Treated Seed Proceedings

From: The National Law Review

Article By Lisa M. Campbell Lisa R. Burchi

The following documents have been filed in the Anderson v. McCarthy proceedings in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California:  (1) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Notice of Motion and Motion for Summary Judgment; (2) Defendant-Intervenors CropLife America, et al.’s Notice of Motion and Motion for Summary Judgment; and (3) Plaintiffs’ Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment.

Leave a Comment October 14, 2016

Europe’s neonicotinoid ban contributed to one-third drop in Britain’s rapeseed

From: Reuters via Genetic Literacy Project


Britain’s rapeseed harvest fell this year by almost one-third due to poor yields and a prolonged decline in the planted area which is expected to continue next season, the National Farmers Union said.

The NFU put UK rapeseed production this year at 1.7 million tonnes, down 32.5 percent year-on-year and well below the five-year average of 2.5 million.

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Leave a Comment October 13, 2016

Technology, society and the business of giving back

From: ITPro

Tech for good isn’t just about helping the planet or people, it’s a new way of doing business


A tech solution to save bees

There’s major potential in using tech to save endangered species, particularly bees. In the 1950s, there were 50 species of bee, but now there are only 25. Their decline has been provoked by a plethora of causes, from climate change to diseases. But two tech companies have developed a solution that could save them.

Leave a Comment October 11, 2016

Believe it or not, the bees are doing just fine

From: The Washington Post | WonkBlog


The bees you’re more familiar with — the ones that buzz around your yard dipping into flowers, making honey, pollinating crops and generally keeping the world’s food supply from collapsing? Those bees are doing just fine, according to data released by the USDA this year.

In 2015, there were 2.66 million commercial honey-producing bee colonies in the United States. That’s down slightly from the 2.74 million colonies in 2014, which represented a two-decade high. The number of commercial bee colonies is still significantly higher than it was in 2006, when colony collapse disorder — the mass die-offs that began afflicting U.S. honeybee colonies — was first documented.

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Leave a Comment October 10, 2016

‘Advocacy research’ tying neonicotinoids to bee deaths debunked, but still effective propaganda

From: Forbes via Genetic Literacy Project

[A] worrisome… trend is the increasing frequency of articles containing flawed “advocacy research” that is actually designed to give a false result. This phenomenon is increasingly common in studies of the supposed adverse effects of chemical pesticides and genetically engineered plants or the ostensible benefits of organic foods. … [E]ven long after the findings have been discredited, [these studies] provide propaganda value to support a certain cause …as they continue to be cited by activists.

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Leave a Comment October 7, 2016

Vigilance for beekeepers [New Zealand]

From: New Zealand Herald

By Adam Shelton

With the Varroa disease commonplace beehives were unlikely to survive in the wild, and people needed encouragement and knowledge to do beekeeping properly.

“We are helping to spread the word of sustainable beekeeping.”

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Leave a Comment October 7, 2016

Bumblebees can learn and then teach despite tiny brains

From: Washington Post

British scientists train bees to pull a string to get food, observe them passing on the skill.

This bumblebee looks for food on a flower. Scientists in Britain trained bumblebees to pull strings to get food from an artificial flower. Those bees were able to pass on the skill to others in their colony. (Shaun Curry/Agence France-Presse via Getty Images)

Leave a Comment October 6, 2016

Scientists blaming pesticides for bee deaths may be biased, entomologist says

From: Crop Protection News

Scientists reporting on the increased rate of honey bee deaths are approaching studies with preconceived ideas that particular pesticides are to blame for colony collapses, according to an entomologist who carried out a number of surveys in the Mid-South.

Gus Lorenz, associate head of entomology at the University of Arkansas, said his research shows there is little risk to pollinators from neonicotinoid insecticides, including one of its class, the commonly used imidacloprids.

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Leave a Comment October 5, 2016

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