Archives – November, 2016

Future of oilseed rape at risk

From: Farmers Weekly

The future of UK oilseed rape production is under serious threat over the potential loss of crop protection products from the grower’s toolbox, say farm leaders.

The NFU is warning growers that 2017 will be a “big year for EU pesticide regulation” which could mean the loss of several key plant protection products (PPPs).


Mr Smith said drought and the loss of neonicotinoids to fight cabbage stem flea beetle were key reasons why growers were already turning their back on oilseed rape.

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Leave a Comment November 15, 2016

New Findings About The Honey Bee Infecting Deformed Wing Virus

From: Eurasia Review


The main trigger of this bee mortality does not seem to be the use of pesticides in modern agriculture. Many studies have shown that the survival of bee colonies strongly depends on the infestation with Varroa mites, widespread blood-sucking parasites, and the transmission of deformed wing virus by these mites. A research group from the Institute of Virology at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna has developed a new laboratory system, which enabled them to make an important step forward in the investigation of the virus. By using a molecular clone, they have simulated the course of disease in a targeted way under laboratory conditions.

Leave a Comment November 14, 2016

New findings about the deformed wing virus, a major factor in honey bee colony mortality

Editor’s Note: See, “Construction and Rescue of a Molecular Clone of Deformed Wing Virus (DWV),” by Benjamin Lamp, Angelika Url, Kerstin Seitz, Jürgen Eichhorn, Christiane Riedel, Leonie Janina Sinn, Stanislav Indik, Hemma Köglberger, Till Rümenapf.


Leave a Comment November 11, 2016

Effect of 1,3-1,6 β -Glucan on Natural and Experimental Deformed Wing Virus Infection in Newly Emerged Honeybees ( Apis mellifera ligustica )

From: PLOS One

Mazzei M, Fronte B, Sagona S, Carrozza ML, Forzan M, Pizzurro F, et al.


The Western Honeybee is a key pollinator for natural as well as agricultural ecosystems. In the last decade massive honeybee colony losses have been observed worldwide, the result of a complex syndrome triggered by multiple stress factors, with the RNA virus Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) and the mite Varroa destructor playing crucial roles. The mite supports replication of DWV to high titers, which exert an immunosuppressive action and correlate with the onset of the disease.

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Leave a Comment November 10, 2016

A New Virus in Wasps Could Threaten Honey Bees

From: Seeker

A wasp species in Hawaii has a virus that experts fear could easily spread to our most important crop pollinators.


Researchers from multiple institutions who collaborated on the discovery, writing in the journal Nature, are concerned that the virus could be particularly threatening to honey bees. The insects are vital to crop pollination worldwide and, by extension, to the global food supply.

As it is, honey bees already face serious threats from colony collapse disorder, in which a bee colony’s worker bees disappear, and Varroa mites, which can bring about the condition called deformed wing virus and render a bee’s wings useless.

Leave a Comment November 9, 2016

Another step towards healthy bees

From: European Food Safety Agency

by Frank Verdonck

How can scientists assess the health of a honeybee colony?  A piece of work we have just completed at EFSA helps to answer that question. The outcome of the HEALTHY-B project is a toolbox that can be used by anyone seeking to assess bee health “holistically” i.e. taking into account chemical, biological and physical stressors. The toolbox has already been used in EFSA’s MUST-B project to generate a conceptual model for assessing the risk to honeybee colonies from exposure to pesticides under different scenarios of combined stressors and factors.

Leave a Comment November 8, 2016

Federal regulators agree honeybee decline linked to ‘local stressor’ mix

From: Western Farm Press

Karen Francone of Cal DPR says federal regulators agree that believe colony collapse disorder is tied to many local stressors – varroa mite, pathogens, poor nutrition due to reduced forage habitat, increased reliance on supplemental diets, pesticide exposure, and long transits moving bees from place to place.

Francone, Cal DPR’s environmental program manager, shared with the CAPCA crowd that many scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), USDA, and the global scientific and regulatory community understand that “The general declining health of honey bees is related to complex interactions among local stressors.”

Leave a Comment November 7, 2016

Manuka — and more


Scientists, academics and beekeepers take the floor

MANUKA AND MORE: Akina director of Maori development Cain Kerehoma was one of the speakers at a two-day Manuka and More conference. One of the organisers, Manu Caddie said there had been a “fantastic turnout” and the mix of local expertise and experts was already proving a fertile relationship.  Pictures by Manu Caddie


Before the destructive varroa mite hit New Zealand in 2000, few studies had been made on bee viruses. What the varroa mite carried was the problem, he said.

Leave a Comment November 3, 2016

North American Pollinator Protection Campaign 2016 Conference Recap


This year’s North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) Conference, hosted at the USDA APHIS, was a huge success with more first-time participants than ever before. The Pollinator Partnership and NAPPC Team works tirelessly to bring partners of all backgrounds together, without judgement or bias, for one important goal – to help the pollinators.

This event included wonderful, world class presentations from leaders at the forefront of pollinator issues. Topics ranged from government agency updates, honey bees, wildlife habitat and corporate partnerships. Speakers included:

Kevin Shea, USDA APHIS Administrator

Dr. Bruce Rodan, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Leave a Comment November 2, 2016

EPA Update on Pollinator Acute Risk Mitigation

EPA’s Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee Meeting Meeting (November 2-3) includes an update on EPA’s proposal to mitigate exposure to bees from acutely toxic pesticide products. EPA’s presentation is available here. The Agenda for the Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee Meeting is here. EPA plans to publish its final risk mitigation policy in the December 2016/January 2017 time frame.

Below are two of the slides.




Leave a Comment November 1, 2016

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