Archives – March, 2017

Notable Scientists: Lilia De Guzman, Research Entomologist

Editor’s Note: Federal research is essential for bees and agriculture. This occasional series of articles profiles notable federal scientists working to help humanity via bee research, see here.


Dr. Lilia De Guzman is a Research Entomologist. She has studied varroa and tracheal mite resistance of Yugoslavian and Russian bees.  Her current focus is grooming behavior by Russian honey bees against varroa mites, and finding methods that reduce the impact of small hive beetles in honey bee colonies.



Leave a Comment March 6, 2017

Beekeeper’s Dog Can Sniff Out American Foulbrood

From: Honest to Paws

Millions Of Bees Owe This Dog A Huge ‘Thank You’


Josh Kennet is a beekeeper from Tintinara, Australia. He knows how important bees are to our ecosystem, so, when he learned that a deadly disease known as American foulbrood was wiping out thousands of hives in south Australia, he and his dog Bazz helped out in a most unique way.

Bazz was trained by Josh to sniff out the American foulbrood scent. Through a lot of trial and error, he designed a special suit for Bazz so he could approach beehives without getting stung.

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Leave a Comment March 3, 2017

Bias at The New York Times? ‘The Truth is Hard’ when reporting on bees and neonicotinoid pesticides

From: Genetic Literacy Project


Times’ Michael Pollan on presenting only one side of complex issues

Covering food and modern farming has not been the Times strong point. Journalist and foodie MIchael Pollan’s articles on the virtues of organic food and the dangers of ‘industrialized agriculture’ have been a Times’ staple since the early 2000s. In 2013, he bragged in a video interview with a fellow activist that he long has exploited the willingness of his editors to forego traditional vetting because they share his reflexive anti-industry perspective. View the video here:


Leave a Comment March 2, 2017

National Farmers’ Union hits back at claims neonics are poisoning farmland birds

From: FG Insight

The NFU has hit back at suggestions neonicotinoids are poisoning farmland birds.


No incidents

“In the UK, poisoning of all animals is investigated by the Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme. If seed-eating farmland birds were being poisoned as a result of eating neonicotinoid treated seed, you would rightly expect this scheme to be finding these incidents.

“There are no incidents of bird poisoning resulting from the use of neonicotinoids over the last ten years.

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Leave a Comment March 1, 2017

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