Archives – May, 2017

EPA is Developing Metrics to Measure to State/Tribal Managed Pollinator Protection Plans (MP3)

EPA officials stated that the agency will have metrics for its MP3 program. The agency has an intensive project underway to develop the metrics via its Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee (PPDC). The PPDC established a Pollinator Protection Plan Metrics Workgroup in October 2016. The Workgroup, which has met monthly since its inception, presented its initial recommendations to the full PPDC today. The MP3 Metrics Workgroup is expected to present its final recommendation to the PPDC in November 2017.

Leave a Comment May 3, 2017

Scientists say agriculture is good for honey bees

Editor’s Note: The study, “Agricultural Landscape and Pesticide Effects on Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Biological Traits,” by Alburaki M1, Steckel SJ1, Williams MT1, Skinner JA2, Tarpy DR3, Meikle WG4, Adamczyk J5, Stewart SD1 is available here.


While recent media reports have condemned a commonly used agricultural pesticide as detrimental to honey bee health, scientists with the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture have found that the overall health of honey bee hives actually improves in the presence of agricultural production.


Leave a Comment May 2, 2017

EPA is Committed to Expediting Registration of Products to Control Varroa, an Important Regulatory Reform Step

EPA’s Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee (PPDC) is holding a meeting (May 3-4) in Crystal City, VA at which the agency’s neonicotinoid-related activities will be discussed. The agenda is available here. EPA’s slides for Session 1: Pollinator Protection: Neonicotinoids Review, Labeling, and Update from the Pollinator Protection Plan Metrics Workgroup is available here. EPA’s discussion of its work under the National Strategy to promote pollinator health will include expediting registration of varroa control products.


Leave a Comment May 1, 2017

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