Archives – November, 2017

Oops! European Lab Produced False Positive Tests for Fipronil

Editor’s Note: Regulatory policies based on a panic-first, verify-later basis, i.e., the precautionary principle, ignore science and the public interest. See, The Precautionary Principle: An Affront to Science.

From: FarmingUK

Fipronil crisis: Egg poison test results may have been wrong, analysis says

Some of the eggs found to have been contaminated during the recent fipronil crisis may have been clear of the chemical, new analysis has found.

The revelation that some test results may have been wrong comes in a European Commission report following an assessment of the performance of labs involved in the fipronil testing.

Leave a Comment November 29, 2017

Are Birds the New Bees for Anti-Neonic Campaigners?

Editor’s Note: For information about non-science based campaign to ban neonics based on the substances’ purported effects on songbirds, see here, here, and here.

From: The Guardian

Common pesticide can make migrating birds lose their way, research shows

The experimental study is the first to directly show harm to songbirds, extending the known impacts of neonicotinoids beyond insects

The world’s most widely used insecticide may cause migrating songbirds to lose their sense of direction and suffer drastic weight loss, according to new research.

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Leave a Comment November 29, 2017

Populism Beats Out Science in UK Neonic Debate

From: Spalding Today

Will Gove be good for farmers?

Farmer RICHARD BARLOW considers the future for farmers post-Brexit


Michael Gove, is obviously an intelligent and ambitious Secretary of State, responsible for the environment, food and rural affairs. Whether he will be good for farming is yet to be seen. The correct decisions are not always the most popular, but will his pursuit of higher office mean he takes the populist route too often?

Leave a Comment November 28, 2017

File Under Irony: Anti-Neonic Campaign Threatens to Reduce the Planting of Pollinator-Friendly Plants

From: Horticulture Week

RHS considers withdrawing Perfect for Pollinators

by Matthew Appleby

The RHS is considering the future of its Perfect for Pollinators logo and whether it should withdraw it from the market since it cannot “police” how plants are grown.

The move follows the publication of a study from University of Sussex’s Professor Dave Goulson earlier this year which claimed to have found ‘bee-friendly’ plants for sale with traces of one of the three neonicotinoid-based insecticide products banned by the EU (imidacloprid, thiamethoxam or clothianidin).

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Leave a Comment November 27, 2017

UK Parliament Motion for Resolution on Neonicotiniods

Editor’s Note: The Democratic Unionist Party provides critical support for Prime Minister May’s government.

From: UK House of Commons

Early day motion 590


That this House welcomes the Government’s commitment to uphold the complete ban on neonicotinoid pesticides; and urges the Government to undertake to rebuild the habitats that enable the bee population to flourish and by extension our crops and countryside to thrive.

Name Party Constituency Date Signed

Leave a Comment November 24, 2017

The EU’s Neonicotinoid Ban: Precursor to a Glyphosate Ban?

Editor’s Note: Anti-neonic activists will not stop with banning neonicotinoids, they want to ban much of modern agriculture, see here.

From: Molly Scott Cato, Green MEP for the South West


Many environmentalists have been astonished by the public posture of Michael Gove since he took over at DEFRA. In the few months he has been environment secretary, he has offered us small but juicy tidbits like a bottle deposit scheme or a public attack on the ivory trade. And last week he pulled out his trump card: a ban on bee-killing neonicotinoid insecticides.

Leave a Comment November 22, 2017

Does the EU’s Neonicotinoid Ban End the Competitive Future of European Farmers?

Editor’s Note: See, The Economic Benefits of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatement: A Federal Research Plan and Canada’s PMRA Puts Dollar Value On Neonic Seed Treatments.

From: Farmers Guardian

UK farmers ‘must learn lessons’ from New Zealand on agricultural reform

UK farmers should not look to New Zealand as a ‘recipe’ for how to deal with major agricultural reform but learn lessons from a country which saw the overnight removal of subsidies lead to a major increase in efficiency and innovation


Leave a Comment November 21, 2017

Lawyers, NGOs & Politics Usurp Science in Agricultural Policy Around the World: The European Union’s Neonicotinoid Ban May Not Stop in Europe

Editor’s Note: It is “the global trade in honey bees and migratory beekeeping practices within countries,” not neonics, that poses the greatest threat to bees. See here and here.

From: EcoJustice

Bees v. government & industry, round two

Charles Hatt, Lawyer


This case is an example of the great endurance litigation demands. Thanks to your support, we’ve not only been able to launch this lawsuit, but we’ve been able to successfully resist repeated attempts to block our clients – and pollinators – from getting their day in court. Thank you!

Leave a Comment November 20, 2017

Will EFSA’s Neonicotinoid Risk Assessment Comply with US Data Quality Guidelines?

Editor’s Note: Under US EPA risk assessment procedures, source studies must meet the standards set by the Data Quality Act and its implementing guidance in order to be considered. Will EFSA hold its source studies to similar standards?

From: Food Ingredients 1st

Neonicotinoid pesticides: EFSA to update risk assessment to bees early next year

There are just a few months to go before the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) updates its risk assessment on the potential risks to bees from neonicotinoid pesticides. The assessments for clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam will be finalized next February, following a final round of consultation with pesticide experts in the Member States.

Leave a Comment November 17, 2017

The Ideological Campaign Against Modern Agriculture Doesn’t Stop with Neonics

From: The Guardian

Banning bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides should be just the start

Peter Melchett of the Soil Association bemoans the power held by the chemical industry; Huw Jones writes that agricultural policy needs expert understanding, not just political opportunism; plus letters from Deb Nicholson, Graeme Taylor and Bruce Friedrich

It’s great that Michael Gove has accepted the overwhelming scientific evidence that neonicotinoids are killing bees, other insects and birds, although it is a sad commentary on how safety decisions on pesticides have been taken up to now (Plan bee – Britain to reverse opposition to ban on colony-killing pesticide, says Gove, 9 November). The fact is that the political and economic power of the chemical industry have had far more influence than the results of independent scientific research.

Leave a Comment November 16, 2017

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