The Action Plan for Pollinators in Wales

October 31, 2013

The Welsh Government’s update report on their Action Plan for Pollinators in Wales is attached here.   The document includes a summary of the responses received during the government’s public consultation process on the draft document. The summary report also includes “the outcomes and areas for action listed below have changed in the final published Action Plan for Pollinators in response to the consultation.”

The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (CRE) was one of two research institutions participating in the proceedings.

The Welsh Government began their consultation process earlier this year with a publication of a draft Action Plan and a request for public comments.[1]  The Consultation Document[2] stated that the “spread of Varroa from 1994 in Wales caused much greater losses. As beekeepers have learnt to control Varroa, there are fewer winter losses attributable to Varroa, however winter losses since 2011 suggest slightly higher than expected figures of 14% – 22% in 2011 and 15% – 19% in 2012.”[3]

A key change in The Action Plan for Pollinators in Wales regarding neonicitinoids with respect to Area for Action #4, “Supporting UK action to promote healthy populations of pollinators in Wales”

  • Neonicitinoids are not the primary cause for the reduction of pollinator numbers[4] [Emphasis added]

The next steps in the Welsh Government’s process include:

  • Publishing the complete set of comments received during the consultation process; and
  • Establishing a Pollinator Task Force as the first step in implementing the Plan.

CRE encourages EPA to review the Welsh Government’s work and to avail themselves to the scientific data placed in the Welsh record.

[1]  See,

[2]  Available at,

[3]  Ibid., p. 12.  [Note omitted]

[4]  Biodiversity Team, Land, Nature & Forestry Division, Welsh Government, “The Action Plan for Pollinators in Wales: A Summary of Consultation Responses to the Draft Action Plan,” July 2013.

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