EPA’s Commitment to Science

January 8, 2014

Editor’s Note: The article below discusses the importance of pollinator protection. Of particular importance, the article concludes by discussing EPA’s approach to regulating seed treatment technologies:  “A lot of studies are underway and so far EPA has stuck with the science. But they are under a lot of political pressure to stop or restrict application ‘in case it could be the problem.’” 

EPA officials deserve credit and recognition for their commitment to scientific integrity.

Below are excerpts from the pollinator protection article.  Please read the complete article  on the Southwest Farm Press website here.

From: Southwest Farm Press

Cooperation needed for pollinator protection challenge

The bee and honey industry and agriculture interests are caught in a dilemma: how to protect bees and other pollinators while maintaining the crop protection products farmers need to manage pests.

Protecting bees without sacrificing farm efficiency is a serious concern for the National Cotton Council, says Don Parker, Council IPM manager.

Parker addressed the Cotton consultants’ conference Monday at the Beltwide Cotton Conferences in New Orleans. “We’re trying to educate consultants (and others) about recent events and the amount of activity surrounding honey bees. These issues will affect the farm,” he said.


Bee keepers and other groups are putting a lot of pressure on the EPA regarding pollinator protection.  Those changes would alter the way EPA evaluates products for bee safety. “EPA announced its intention to change the pollinator risk management process to a more robust tiered assessment requiring multiple studies for evaluating product impacts on adult and immature honey bees and the resulting effect on colony survival,” Parker said. “Changes would require more tests and more cost to get a product to market.”

A lawsuit has been filed against EPA by the Pollinator Stewardship Council, American Honey Producers Association, National Honey Bee Advisory Board, American Beekeeping Federation and several individuals, challenging registration of Dow’s new insecticide, sulfoxalor—a product effective in controlling plant bugs and similar pests.”

Fungicide and insecticide seed treatments have also been targeted.

Studies in Europe have found no evidence that neonicotinoids were a significant contributor but there is significant pressure to restrict use.


Andy LaVigne, President and CEO of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), said seed treatment technology has become a popular practice for farmers. “But it has raised some challenges in regard to pollinators.

“EPA liked seed treatment technology because of environmental and human health benefits. Now, stewardship is critical for all aspects of seed applied technology. We have to address the bee/pollinator health and raise awareness in the farm community.”

He said emphasizing stewardship may delay some restrictions on products. “We’re working across the board with key associations.” Those include the Cotton Council, National Corn Growers Association, American Soybean Association and others. The Seed Trade Association is also taking the message to key conferences, including the Beltwide Cotton Conferences and the Commodity Classic. Curriculum development and building international cooperation are also part of ASTA’s agenda.

An association’s website, www.seed-treatment-guide.com, offers information on multiple efforts and opportunities for producers, associations and consultants to become more aware of issues and action steps. Tools include brochures and videos.

“We will do videos for specific crops, including cotton. We’re also working with equipment manufacturers to look at planters to reduce dust. Proper storage and handling are other important issues.

“Our goal,” LaVigne said, “is to convince EPA not to go heavy-handed to restrict seed treatments. We hope to prevent additional burdens on growers.”

Parker said a lot of the science about bee health is not known. “A lot of studies are underway and so far EPA has stuck with the science. But they are under a lot of political pressure to stop or restrict application ‘in case it could be the problem.’”

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