UOG Researchers Conduct Honeybee National Health Survey

January 10, 2014

From: Pacific News Center

Guam – Dr. Ross Miller’s Entomology Lab at the University of Guam Western Pacific Tropical Research Center (WPTRC) has its antennae in a lot of hives with the first-ever survey of the island’s honeybee population.

Honeybee health in the U.S. mainland has been in decline for many years: mites, diseases, and environmental toxins have taken their toll on honeybee populations throughout the states. Funded by the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, this national survey will look to understand what viruses, mites, pests or other factors may be influencing honeybee health. With a clearer understanding of what is negatively impacting bee colonies, scientists are hoping to find efficient methods to mitigate this decline.

“The varroa mite has infected bees throughout the country. If Guam can be declared a varroa free zone, beekeepers on island may be able to provide queen bees certified to be free of the damaging mite to stateside beekeepers. This could be a potential new apiary opportunity for the island,” says Miller.

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