Industry stepping up efforts to help protect pollinator populations

February 19, 2014

From: Delta Farm News

The health of honey bees is an important subject to many segments of the world’s populations. That is also true of private industry, which has been working hard to come up with answers to why bee populations have been declining.

Pollinator health was a topic at several sessions during the Beltwide Cotton Conferences, including a briefing held by Bayer CropScience’s for the media attending the National Cotton Council’s annual education transfer event. Allen Ayres, state affairs director for Bayer, discussed his company’s efforts in a video interview.

Some stress is placed on honey bees in transferring them from one locale to another for use as pollinator services. Ayres noted the almond crop requires about 1.6 million of the 2.6 million hives in the U.S. each year in California alone.

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