The Buzz about Bees

March 3, 2014

From: AgWeb

By: Rhonda Brooks, Farm Journal Seeds & Production Editor

Farmers, beekeepers and industry look for opportunities to provide help for hurting pollinators.

Complex problems are rarely, if ever, solved by simple answers, and the alarming loss of honeybees in North America during the past few years is no exception to the rule.

One of the encouraging signs, however, is that a consortium of stakeholders, including farmers, beekeepers and the crop protection industry, is addressing the problem and looking for ways, collectively, to solve it.

“We want everyone to have some skin in the game,” says Laurie Adams, executive director of the Pollinator Partnership. The organization is intent on finding ways to address the loss of pollinators and is encouraging all stakeholders to participate in the process.

Adams participated in a panel discussion on the pollinator issue today at the Bayer CropScience Ag Issues Forum in San Antonio ahead of the 2014 Commodity Classic.

What’s at Stake

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