Little mite a big worry

July 2, 2014

From: Queensland Country Life

AUSTRALIA’S apple, blueberry and cherry growers have been urged to develop relationships now with beekeepers to help in the event of an incursion of the deadly Varroa mite.

A recent survey shows the majority of growers believe their crops’ quality and quantity will be significantly affected if something happens to the honeybees they rely on for pollination.

Growers were asked about their pollination practices as part of efforts to prepare for the likely arrival of the Varroa mite.

Currently, Australia is the only continent free of the pest, which is devastating honeybee and horticultural industries worldwide.

Varroa mites – which are about the size of a pinhead – are external parasites of bees and use specialised mouthparts to attack developing bee larvae or adult bees, resulting in deformed bees, reduced lifespan and ultimately the destruction of the colony or hive.

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