Canadian Senator Percy Mockler on Bees

January 19, 2015

From: Ottawa Citizen

Q and A: Sen. Percy Mockler on bees and the meaning of politics (with video)

Jordan Press

Sen. Percy Mockler chairs a Senate committee that has spent more than a year studying bees. But there’s more to the New Brunswick Conservative’s vision than studying nature.

Q: Why study bee health and bee populations?

A: I had some farmers, bee producers, coming to me and saying, “Percy, we have a problem.” It’s a $2-billion industry in Canada. Every third bite (of food) in your mouth, it comes from bee pollination. That’s worldwide and there is a problem: colony collapse disorder.

Q: When will your report on this be completed?

A: We will be in a position to table our report in May 2015.

Q: What do you expect to see in that final report?

A: What we will recommend to governments (will be) science-based and not on sentiments and emotions. In order to explain colony collapse disorder, we have to look at parasites, chemical products, the environment, bee-keeping practices, agricultural practices and treatment of the parasitic problem. It’s a report that the industry is looking for as long as it is based on science rather than emotions or hearsay.

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  • 1. Anonymous  |  January 22, 2015 at 1:47 pm

    RE: In order to explain colony collapse disorder, we have to look at parasites, chemical products, the environment, bee-keeping practices, agricultural practices and treatment of the parasitic problem.

    What the “f” do you think the scientists have been exploring you morons?

    The only ones basing the issues on emotions and heresay are you.

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