EPA officials discuss neonicotinoid, bee health issues with Mississippi specialists [Video]

January 28, 2015

Editor’s Note: CRE’s Data Quality Alert on the EPA study is available here. A Data Quality Alert is a mechanism for informing an agency of the deficiencies in a report which provides a basis for filing a Data Quality petition seeking correction of the agency’s data.

From: Delta Farm Press

EPA’s Biological and Economic Analysis Division issued a report last Oct. 22 that said neonicotinoid seed treatments provided zero benefits when applied to soybean seed.


That was the background for a visit by Jim Jones, assistant administrator, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention at EPA’S headquarters in Washington, to the Mississippi Delta Jan. 20-21. Jones visited a Delta F.AR.M. Bee Pollinator experimental site and met with a group of Mississippi State University specialists and Delta Council leaders.

“The part of the country where our analysis was less clear was in the South,” Jones said in an interview on a famr stop near Tunica, Miss. “And it wasn’t long after we put this analysis out that the Delta Council, who we’ve worked with for years on a host of environmental issues, called and said ‘ we think you didn’t quite get this right” and asked that we come down and talk to some people in the Delta about their experience both producers as well as academics.

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