Studies show neonicotinoid levels drop as crop season progresses [with Video]

January 30, 2015

From: Delta Farm Press

The Mid-South Extension entomologists who work in cotton, corn and soybeans have been conducting extensive tests to determine how long neonicotinoid seed treatments persist in those crops.

The persistence of those insecticides – thiamethoxam, clothianidin and imidacloprid – has become an important issue in the debate over the declines in honey bee populations. Environmental activists have asked EPA to cancel the registrations of those products in those crops.

But the entomologists’ studies show the insecticides in the neonicotinoid seed treatments generally drop to extremely low levels by the time honey bees would normally be foraging in those plants.

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2 Comments Leave a Comment

  • 1. Nick  |  January 31, 2015 at 10:18 pm

    It drops down to 2.5 parts per million before bees start working those plants which is still unacceptably high.

  • 2. Editor  |  February 2, 2015 at 2:54 pm

    The reader states that a cetain concentration of insectcides is “unacceptably high” but provides no data to support his contention. We look forward to the reader posting for public review and discussion the studies or other materials which supports his assertion.

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