Hawaii’s war on major bee pest could help Australia prepare for future varroa destructor invasion

February 9, 2015

From: ABC (Australia) | Rural

By Marty McCarthy

The US state of Hawaii is using selective breeding to win the war against the destructive varroa mite, which is crippling honey bee populations around the world.

The overall significance of honeybees is often overlooked, but keeping up natural bee populations is critical for farmers who need crops to be pollinated.

Australia is still free of varroa destructor, but the major pest has been spreading around the world, including to neighbouring New Zealand and Indonesia.

Dr Danielle Downey, from the Hawaii Department of Agriculture, is trying to rid the Hawaiian islands of the pest, by breeding disease-resistant bees.

She has had some success, which could help Australia prepare for what many see as the inevitable spread of varroa mites here.

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