Entrepreneurs create effective method against bee harming pest

March 9, 2015

From: Investigacion y Desarrolo

A group of entrepreneurs Veracruz (east coast state in Mexico) designed a “smart” system to contain the growth of larvae of the mite Varroa destructor among the bee population, which reduces the production of honey for as much as 50 percent when it invades the hives.

The technology called “Electronic Detection System” involves the application of a formula based on thymol and other substances through a spray device of automated steam which removes Varroa destructor larvae from the hives. This offers an integral solution to beekeepers, and thus to the entire food chain, since the pollination by bees affects more than half of current agricultural products.

According to the biologist Erik Leon Guevara, who has lead this project for several years, the Varroa destructor pest severely affects the population of bees worldwide causing various types of diseases among insects. This led him to formulate a product to control the pest.

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