EU to review neonicotinoid ban

April 22, 2015

From: Potato News Today

It was announced last week that the European Commission will start a review of the European Union (EU) ban on neonicotinoid pesticides imposed in 2013 in response to bee health concerns. The next step will be taken by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), who will publish a “call for evidence” by the end of May. The commission’s decision to ban the widely used pesticide in the 28-country EU was largely based on the 2013 EFSA review that found that the use of
neonicotinoids potentially threatened the survival of bee colonies. A large number of studies have been published since the review that could potentially reverse the neonicotinoid ban, which currently runs through December. Although the EFSA decision will have no direct bearing on the integrated pest management practices of U.S. growers, the influence of additional science-based studies on the new review’s outcome will be of great interest. (Source: National Potato Council)

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