MSU virologist receives grants for research on honeybee health

May 5, 2015

From: Montana State University

Jenny Lavey, MSU News Service

A Montana State University virologist recently was awarded three grants to study why honeybees, the primary pollinator force of the nation’s food supply, are experiencing high losses.

Michelle Flenniken, assistant professor in the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology in MSU’s College of Agriculture, recently received three grants to investigate the role of viruses and other pathogens on honeybee health.

Flenniken received an Agriculture Food and Research Initiative grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture to support research on understanding the biotic and abiotic factors affecting honeybee health, a grant from the National Honey Board to support a collaborative research endeavor examining the role of pathogens and agrochemicals on honeybee health, and funding from the Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) Specialty Crop Block Grant program to investigate honeybee viruses and virus transmission in Montana’s honeybees.

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