Asian honey bee swarm carrying varroa mite destroyed after discovery in Brisbane shipment

May 13, 2015

From: ABC News (Australia)

By Matt Watson and Marty McCarthy

A swarm of Asian honey bees carrying the destructive varroa mite has been destroyed by quarantine officials in Brisbane after a nest was discovered in a shipment of cables from Malaysia.

“Arrangements were made to have the container unpacked to retrieve the dead bees and comb (honeycomb) to check for mites,” a spokesman for the federal Agriculture Department said.

“Seven mites were found in the comb and identified as varroa jacobsoni.”


Authorities believe Australia is free of the mites, but Trevor Weatherhead from the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council said varroa mites had decimated bee colonies in Canada, Hawaii and Papua New Guinea.

He said an outbreak in Australia could destroy the nation’s honey industry and it was fortunate the Asian colony had been found.

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