Letter: In defence of using neonics

June 4, 2015

From Montreal Gazette

Re: “Protecting the pollinators” (Montreal Gazette, May 29)

Readers should know that neonics, or neonicotinoids, are among the safest insecticides available. As neonics are applied directly to the seed, the amount used is considerably less than what is used when farmers have to spray an entire field. Because the seed is planted directly into the ground, beneficial insects, like bees, are less exposed to the product.


Neither the U.S. Pollinator Health Task Force nor Health Canada have recommended restricting the use of neonicotinoids, one of the safest and most effective pest control tools ever developed. Their conclusions were very much in line with what the National Bee Health Roundtable and the federal regulatory agency here in Canada have to say.

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