Guam Can Still Fight Varroa Mite Threat to it’s Honey Bees

July 10, 2015

From: Pacific News Center

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Varroa Mite Only Found on Feral Honey Bees 

Guam – Earlier this week PNC brought you the story of the Varroa mite a tiny parasitic bug that is attacking the island’s bee population. Today we interviewed the man who first discovered the Varrao mite UOG biology undergrad Chris Rosario and Rosario tells us the good news is there is something we can do to get rid of the Varroa mite.

It all started with the USDA’s APHIS National Honeybee Project. The goal of the project was to conduct a survey of the health of honey bee colonies and what is negatively affecting their health. “Just about a year ago we found the Varroa mite and that was at the Southern Comfort Ranch on Guam,” said Rosario.

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