GOOD, BAD and UGLY: the public comments on neonic-treated seeds

July 13, 2015

From: Farmers Forum

TORONTO — The province received 23,145 public comments on its proposal to ban neonicotinoid seeds during its 45-day period in the spring. While 90 per cent of those comments favouring the ban were being written, farm country was busy planting their food.


Beekeeper backs farmers

I have a few bee hives and grow a few acres of corn and soybeans. A few years ago, I lost all of my bee hives and had to start over. Since starting over with my bee hives, I have managed them more precisely, and my current winter losses closely resemble prior (normal) winter losses. The argument that “neonics” cause unacceptable harm to bee hives appears from my perspective to be founded disproportionately on an emotional premise, as opposed to scientific evidence. I do not doubt that this argument is possible. I would hope that prior to making changes to the pesticide act which could have a negative impact on crops grown in Ontario, the scientific evidence would be consulted.

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