Nota Bene: Bee battles

July 22, 2015

From: Financial Post

Special to Financial Post

From Beemageddon? As hysteria over honey bees recedes, anti-neonic narrative refocuses on wild bees,” July 16, 2015, by Jon Entine, executive director of the Genetic Literacy Project and senior fellow at the World Food Center Institute for Food and Agricultural Literacy, University of California-Davis.


The flood of recent studies challenging the “neonics kill bees” hypothesis may have delayed the release of the long-awaited White House Pollinator Task Force report, which activists thought might endorse a ban on neonicotinoids. But with commercial honeybee colonies stabilized and growing, the May report recommended a more measured approach, committing funds to increase pollinator habitats while ordering the EPA to review the effects of pesticides on pollinators over the next two years.

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