Despite Neonikotinoidverbot more bees died

August 21, 2015

Editor’s Note: Translation from the German via Google Translate. The original text is here.


Bern – Despite the EU-wide moratorium on the use of neonicotinoid Saatgutbeizmitteln has increased in winter 2014/15 bee mortality significantly in key EU rapeseed producing countries.

This is clear from the preliminary figures a multi-year study of the international research network “Prevention of Colony Losses” (Col.). As reported by the Institute for bee health the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Bern announced that the bee mortality increased in Germany last winter compared to the same period last year by 12.7 percentage points to 20.7 per cent (%). At the same time an increase of 4.3 percentage points to 12.7% and for the Czech Republic by 10.3 percentage points to 16.9% was observed for Poland. For France a mortality rate of 12.9% was calculated; for 2013/14 was present no comparative figure. The mortality rate for all observed countries doubled according to the researchers at 17.4%.

Bee losses multifactorial problem

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