Australia Leads in Efforts to Solve Bee Mystery

November 9, 2015

From: The Diplomat

Bees are disappearing, and the CSIRO is taking the lead in trying to find out why

By Helen Clark

Mass bee die-offs threaten food security around the world, but a global big data initiative led by the Australian Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation is microchipping bees in the hope of discovering some of the causes of these yet-unexplained deaths.

Putting a microchip on a bee does not sound like the easiest thing, but according to physicist Dr. Paulo de Souza of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Australia it is a simple operation and very quick. This can only be a good thing, given that the Global Initiative for Honeybee Health plans to have one million bees, honey and otherwise, chipped by the end of next year. At the time of writing, some 50,000 have been chipped.

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