LETTER: Decision ignores current evidence base [UK]

December 16, 2015

From: Sussex Express (UK)

Surely East Sussex County Council is disregarding current scientific evidence and acting beyond the boundaries of its expertise in banning neonicotinoids on county council land?

Its own officers recommended the motion by Councillor Ros St Pierre be rejected ‘because there is inconclusive evidence on the use of neonicotinoids’ (neonics).


We await the results from detailed, landscape scale trials on neonics that are currently comparing treated and non-treated cropping areas and bee populations. Decisions should be based on sound science and a body of evidence that has been peer reviewed. The county council’s ban not only ignores the current evidence base – it pre-empts a decision from Europe and the results of these landscape scale trials.

William Craig

East Sussex NFU chairman

Gote Farm

Ringmer, Lewes

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