What does ‘science based’ mean?

January 28, 2016

From: Manitoba Co-operator

Industry and government must adjust to new findings, but policies should not 
be based on the latest Internet trend



Early in January, Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), together with the Environmental Protection Agency in the U.S., released research showing no potential risk to bees as a result of on-label use of these seed treatments. Further, PMRA scientists demonstrated that the treatments generated significant advantages for farmers. The right response to this new evidence would be for the Government of Ontario to reverse course and repeal the regulatory restrictions.

Hurting farmers

Failure to follow the results of the PMRA’s research and continue with opinion-based regulations will hurt farmers. Failing to reverse course could also undermine Canada’s regulatory system, which if it occurs, would cause long-term damage to Canadian agriculture and the economy as a whole.

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