Integrity in bee research

March 10, 2016

Editor’s Note: For more on this issue, see Complete Vindication for USDA.

From: The Washington Post | Letter to the Editor

The Agriculture Department is a leading promoter of science and research for agriculture, nutrition and natural resources. For this reason, the department co-chairs the president’s Pollinator Health Task Force and was instrumental in developing a national strategy to protect these important creatures. Over the past six years, the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service alone has invested more than $82 million in cutting-edge pollinator research and over the past decade has published nearly 200 journal articles about pollinators.


The integrity of our scientists and their research is paramount. We have a strong scientific integrity policy to promote a culture of excellence and transparency, including procedures for staff to report any perceived interference with their work, seek resolution and receive protection from recourse for doing so. We do not tolerate activity that puts our science in jeopardy. Likewise, we do not tolerate discrimination or wrongful behavior in our workplace.

Chavonda Jacobs-Young, Washington

Read Complete Letter

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