US Students Compete To Solve Declining Bee Populations

March 16, 2016

From: International Business Times

US Students Compete To Solve Declining Bee Populations, Homeless Problem As Samsung Wades Into STEM Funding


Students and teachers from Lawrence County High School in Alabama show off the Bee The Change Project at Samsung’s Solve For Tomorrow science competition in New York, March 15, 2016.

Applying for U.S. patents and restoring depleted honeybee populations aren’t normally among the top concerns for middle school and high school students. But they are more important than daily homework and passing the driver’s test for the small teams of science and engineering students who competed Tuesday at Samsung’s Solve For Tomorrow science competition.


The Bee The Change project, from students in Lawrence County High School in Lawrence County, Ala., is trying to regenerate the rural area’s dying honeybee population, an international problem. With help from their teachers, students have distributed to local farmers custom-built beehive entrances meant to scrape varroa mites, destructive parasites, from the bee’s back before the mites can infect the rest of the hive. Nichols Payte, a 16-year-old junior at the school, is at work on a mobile app meant to enable users to see which local farms are producing the most honey, and potentially provide early insight into which bee farms have declining populations.

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