Varroa Mite Infestation In US Worse Than Previously Believed: Multi-Year Study

April 27, 2016

Editor’s Note: The complete study, “Multiyear survey targeting disease incidence in US honey bees” by Kirsten S. Traynor, Karen Rennich, Eva Forsgren, Robyn Rose, Jeffery Pettis, Grace KunkelShayne Madella, Jay Evans, Dawn Lopezand 1 more published in Apidologie is available here (paywall).

From: Tech Times

By Alyssa Navarro

The first multi-year honeybee disease study in the United States has revealed that varroa mite infestations in the country are far worse than what was previously believed, as the population of the deadly pests is more abundant than ever.

Scientists from the Department of Agriculture and the University of Maryland conducted the research to look into the ill effects of diseases that plague honeybees in the United States, including varroa mites, fungal gut parasites and several other debilitating viruses. Their results provided a crucial five-year baseline against which to track future trends.

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