Nation’s beekeepers lost 44 percent of bees in 2015-16

May 10, 2016

This chart presents ten years’ worth of results from an annual survey of honey bee colony loss conducted by the Bee Informed Partnership. Originally designed to only track winter losses, the survey began tracking summer (and therefore total annual) loss rates in the year spanning 2010-2011. Credit: Bee Informed Partnership/University of Maryland


The researchers note that many factors are contributing to colony losses. A clear culprit is the varroa mite, a lethal parasite that can easily spread between colonies. Pesticides and malnutrition caused by changing land use patterns are also likely taking a toll, especially among commercial beekeepers.

A recent study, published online in the journal Apidologie on April 20, 2016, provided the first multi-year assessment of honey bee parasites and disease in both commercial and backyard beekeeping operations. Among other findings (summarized in a recent University of Maryland press release), that study found that the is far more abundant than previous estimates indicate and is closely linked to several damaging viruses.

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