Beehive Size May Contribute to Colony Collapse Disorder

July 22, 2016

From: Cox’s Honey

In recent years, Colony Collapse Disorder has been blamed on a couple of factors. The first factor, and one that research has proven correct, is neonicotinoids. Neonicotinoids are chemicals found in agricultural pesticides. The second factor is the varroa mite, a microscopic parasite that attaches itself to bees, that feeds off their host and off of the honey bees’ brood.

Scientists, now however, are offering other reasons for the strange disappearance of entire honey bee colonies. Brian Dennis, a professor for the University of Idaho, has offered a unique reason for the honey bees’ demise. He states, “The tightly organized social lives of honeybees, once such an amazing adaptation for success in the world, turns out to lack resilience against the numerous environmental degradations contributed by humans across the landscape” (Roberts, 2016)

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