BEEHAVE | The Model

July 29, 2016



BEEHAVE simulates the development of a honey bee colony and its foraging of nectar and pollen in a realistic landscape. The purpose of BEEHAVE is to allow representing stressors, alone and in combination, of honeybee colonies within a hive and in the landscape: varroa mites transmitting the deformed wing virus (DVW) or the acute paralysis virus (APV), effects of several beekeeping practices, poor forage availability or even forage gaps in the landscape, and pesticide losses of foragers, inhive bees, or brood.

BEEHAVE can be freely downloaded from this website. It comes together with a user manual and a detailed model description. BEEHAVE is implemented in the free open-source software (NetLogo).

Currently – begin 2016 – BEEHAVE is used by three research groups (University of Exeter, Environment and Sustainability Institute; Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research-UFZ; French National Institute for Agricultural Research [INRA], Avignon). BEEHAVE has been extensively tested by a working group of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA; see Publication page).

See BEEHAVE website

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