An Urban’s Rural View

September 14, 2016

From: The Progressive Farmer

It’s “Complicated, Enigmatic, Imperfectly Understood?” Oh, Write It Anyway

By Urban Lehner, Editor Emeritus

Tamar Haspel, who writes a monthly column on food and agriculture for the Washington Post, says she’s been accused of having “an unrealistically kumbaya vision of how to fix problems in the food supply.” Which is a gracious way of saying, “Zealots attack me for being moderate and fair-minded.”


A beekeeper herself, Haspel interviews a beekeeper, an entomologist, a corn-and-beans farmer, USDA’s top bee researcher and spokesmen for two environmental groups, Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund. Ironically, it’s the beekeeper who has the fewest problems with pesticides. His top three concerns? “Varroa, varroa and varroa.”

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