North American Pollinator Protection Campaign 2016 Conference Recap

November 2, 2016


This year’s North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) Conference, hosted at the USDA APHIS, was a huge success with more first-time participants than ever before. The Pollinator Partnership and NAPPC Team works tirelessly to bring partners of all backgrounds together, without judgement or bias, for one important goal – to help the pollinators.

This event included wonderful, world class presentations from leaders at the forefront of pollinator issues. Topics ranged from government agency updates, honey bees, wildlife habitat and corporate partnerships. Speakers included:

Kevin Shea, USDA APHIS Administrator

Dr. Bruce Rodan, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Dr. David Inouye, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory

Drs. Diana Cox-Foster / James Strange, USDA ARS

Steve Hilburger (for Anne Kinsinger), USGS

Dr. Dennis vanEngelsdorp, Bee Informed Partnership

Rick Keigwin, US EPA

Chris Hiatt, American Honey Producers Association

Dr. Jonathan Mawdsley, Association for Fish and Wildlife Agencies

Dr. Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman, USDA ARS Thelma Redick, Wildlife Habitat Council

Additionally, NAPPC convened 9 task forces who aim to establish year-long objectives surrounding a certain pollinator issue. One task force is working to engage urban youth to establish rooftop gardens. The Bee Friendly Farming task force is building on an existing project that establishes pollinator-friendly criteria for farmers. Another focuses on honey bee health, creating an RFP with relevant priority areas for scientific grants. Current grantees gave updates on their honey bee health research on the following topics:

Honey Bee Health Updates

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