Federal court rules in favor of science-based regulatory review

November 28, 2016

From: Wisconsin State Farmer

WASHINGTON, DC — A California federal court ruled in favor of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and an industry coalition including CropLife America, the American Seed Trade Association, the Agricultural Retailers Association, the National Cotton Council of America, the American Soybean Association, the National Association of Wheat Growers and the National Corn Growers Association (Intervenors) in Anderson v. EPA, a lawsuit brought against EPA by a number of plaintiffs.


This decision protects the ability of growers to continue using seed treatment technology that is vital to American agriculture, permits EPA to retain its current regulatory approach for treated seeds, and allows EPA and the agricultural value chain to continue their important work on pollinator health issues. CLA is an active member of a number of coalitions addressing the issue of pollinator health through research and innovation. We believe that an engaged partnership between farmers and beekeepers is an integral piece to long term pollinator health.

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