La lucha contra la varroa, principal campo de batalla para la apicultura en Salamanca

December 1, 2016

Editor’s Note: The English below is via Google Translation.

From: Tribuna mini Salamanca

The fight against varroa, the main battlefield for beekeeping in Salamanca

Beekeepers denounce and acknowledge that varroa is already the main concern for beekeeping, which also causes other diseases.

The varroa has already become ‘official’ in the main concern of beekeepers, whose death rate of hives soars and their control and struggle is one of the main challenges for professionals in the province of Salamanca and all Castilla y León.  

At least that is what has indicated the provincial and regional secretary of COAG, Aurelio Pérez, who has made these assessments in the XIX Days of Apiculture that have had as another of the great objectives the commitment to the quality of the product of land and Marketing.

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